
Valeo International Limited advocates that when boards take time out to consider how they are delivery value to the entity’s shareholders and stakeholders they are more likely to enhance their contribution to the entity they serve.

Good governance is not just an extension or progressive step up from senior management it is about developing a climate and culture where robust debate tests the propositions posed by management to ensure all aspects, including risk is understood, measured and agreed on.
Our consultancy is built on the philosophy that:

Through listening we understand, through advice we enhance,
through support we empower and through advocacy we change.

Our consultancy services relate to many aspects of business and include:

  • Mentoring a new Chief Executive, Chair or Director
  •  Evaluating Chief Executive and Board relationship
  • Working with a board member to enhance his or her understanding of governance and the role being carried out
  • Structuring a board for success – often this involves our competency mapping process
  • Assessing shareholder/stakeholder relationships and communications
  • Working with Trusts, Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Corporations, State Ownned Enterprises (SOEs), Crown Entities and advisory boards to ensure the good governance practice is in place and adhered to
  • Understanding the needs of the management team and putting systems into place to improve transparency between the parties
  • Conducting research to ascertain the needs of a specific group of stakeholders
  • Developing the secretarial and support team so that board agendas, board minutes and backup systems are providing the board with a structured and consistent framework
  • Assessing board performance
  • Writing Board Manuals for boards who have yet to establish working documentation
  • Preparing job descriptions for the chair, chief executive officer and directors to ensure the governance team is clearly focussed and working purposefully
  • Evaluating training needs and advise where the appropriate training could be obtained
  • Focusing a board and its members on its role and obligations
  • Conducting assessments
  • Presenting training sessions at conferences
  • Guest speaking on governance related matters.

You may have other requirements.  If they are directed at enhancing the governance of your business then we welcome the opportunity to talk with you.

To contact us ring either Bev or Nick on 04 4710071