
Workshops, Course and Seminars

Dr Bev Edlin presents a wide range of courses with her colleague Nick Dangerfield in the field of best practice governance. Courses are structured in a progressive manner allowing participants to take a practical perspective of governance.

Courses and Seminars
Common Sense Governance
Rating and Reviewing Your Board
Boardrooms: DNA of an Effective Board
Story Telling With Numbers - Level One: Data to Information and Level Two: Stories from Numbers
Making Your Board a Team
Managing High Growth Boards
Governance For Not-for-Profits
Governance For SMEs
Back Office Skills for the Boardroom

To enquire about any of these courses contact Dr Bev Edlin on 04 471 0071
Courses are held in Wellington at the Newcoat Seminar Rooms
Level 12, 15 Guardian Trust House, Wellington.

Sign Posts for Good Governance
Not having the right information can lead to disastrous consequences. Often issues are raised in the media or management begins to send signals that something could be out of order. But do boards chose to hear or consider what they may be doing wrong or begin to identify things they could do better.

Or does ego stop them from allowing themselves to be wrong?

Here are some Sign Posts that may help you to consider where your board could improve its performance.

Are you regularly reviewing the information you are receiving and asking yourself:

  • Is it being received in a timely and accurate matter?
  • Is it relevant information and is it providing you with the full picture?
  • Is the board ignoring negative evidence or accepting information in bind faith?
  • Do you have proper procedures to receive information?

Does your Board provide good leadership?

  • Does your board have an ethics policy in place and are good examples being demonstrated though the behaviours of board members and senior management?
  • Is there a healthy balance between non-executive directors and executive directors on your board?
  • Is the team working as a team under the leadership of one?

Are your Governance Systems and Processes transparent and workable?

  • Does your board have a governance manual?
  • Is there a fixation with growth versus quality of business?
  • Does the incentive scheme and its structure (if you have one) reward the right sort of behaviour or does it create comprise?
  • Is there clear independent oversight of the processes?
  • Does your board review systems and processes as part of its annual work programme?

Is your Governance team a balanced team?

  • Is your board and/or organisation dominated by one individual, factions or by management?
  • Does the chair and CEO work independently or as team for the benefit of organisation?
  • Does the composition of skills, abilities, experience and expertise of the collective board align with the organisation’s strategic intent?

Are your Annual General Meetings an opportunity to communicate with your shareholders/stakeholders?

  • Are constitution changes explained to shareholders/stakeholders or just stated as an AGM agenda item?
  • Does the board consider that the AGM is a good time to meet their shareholders?
  • Do you know what information is important to your shareholders/stakeholders?

Valeo International Limited’s assessment tool can assist you to find out how effective your board really is compared with other boards.  For boards seeking to continually improve performance the tool highlights areas of risk that boards need to consider and areas that when enhanced will increase efficiency and effectiveness of the governance activity.

Want to know more, contact Valeo International Limited
                                                Phone 04 4710071